Top 10 Things To Do While “Social Distancing”

Hi all,

Life has been unpredictable lately with the Stay at Home order, and these are confusing times for everyone. While we may not be able to go out and enjoy the world, there are still a few things that we can do to stave off cabin fever and keep ourselves sane in a world of madness.

1. Have a Game Night

Chances are that you have some board games in your house that you haven’t played in a while. Now is the perfect time to break out the games and do something as a family or a couple. If you haven’t got any games around the house, there are several apps available on mobile devices that you can play together with others.

2. Get Ahead of Spring Cleaning

Chances are your house has accumulated some clutter since the last time you organized things. Reorganizing things and getting rid of stuff you no longer use or need can help you feel more in control of your life, which is especially important when so much control has been taken away from us.

3. Cook Local Staples in Your Kitchen!

A lot of foods don’t require that many elaborate ingredients. In fact, you may have most of them around your kitchen already! Look up some recipes, or watch videos on YouTube, and get some ideas of things you can make while in the comfort of your own home. Maybe you’ll learn a new skill in the process!

4. Have an At-Home Date Night

This one is for all you couples out there. Spending time in close proximity 24/7 with anyone can be exhausting, even if that person is your partner. Having a date night can remind you of everything you love about them- and help you unwind after a long day.

5. Read a Book

Whether it’s a book on your shelf, a book on your kindle or smartphone, a comic, a series you’ve been meaning to catch up on, or something else, reading is a good way to unwind and focus on something that’s not the world around you.

6. Start Spring Home Maintenance

Spring heralds the end of winter, and that means that there’s potentially a lot of projects that need to be done around the house. If you have the tools you need around the house, now might be a good time to take care of anything your house might need done.

7. Brainstorm Ideas for Home Improvement Projects

If there’s nothing to fix around your house, perhaps it’s time to think about what you can do to make your home an even better place to live. Talk to the other people in the house, and see if there’s anything you can think of to do that will improve your quality of life while you’re living there.

8. Work Out at Home

Just because the gyms are closed, doesn’t mean you have to stop doing your exercises. Things like Yoga only require a soft surface, and there are plenty of ways to work out your body without leaving your house.

9. Go For a Walk & Look at Nature

Places may be closed, but you can still go out and get some fresh air. Whether it’s around your neighborhood, a park nearby, or somewhere like Balboa Park where there are plenty of sights, getting out of the house to take a walk can help keep you sane. Just remember to keep 6 feet away from strangers.

10. Get Rest & Strengthen Your Immune System

The most important thing is to take care of yourself- don’t stress yourself out if you’re not able to do any of these things. Taking a break and getting some rest is something you can do as well – and, in fact, you should do it, to help keep your body healthy.

In addition, many people have to work from home right now. Here are some suggestions for things you can do to make this process easier.

1. Location, Location, Location

Finding a dedicated workplace to do your work can help you be more productive. While it may be comfortable to work on your bed or on the couch, your brain doesn’t associate those places with work, and thus it may be more difficult for you to get things done if you’re trying to work there.

2. Bring The Outdoors In 

Adding plants to your environment may help relax you, brighten the room’s atmosphere, and make the air quality in the house better. Or, if you’re feeling particularly adventurous, you could try and grow some food in your house to both give you some plants and provide food down the line!

3. Repurpose your Commute

Time spent traveling is now time you’re at home. You can use the time to do other things, like exercise, eat, and spend time with your family. Or, you can use it to set up your workplace to suit your needs for the day.

4. Show your face

Teleconferences have become commonplace as of late, requiring people to use technology to communicate. Consider using your webcam or camera during these conferences to show people your face- it can help with communication, and help you feel less lonely in the process.

5. Create lists

Keeping tabs on what needs to be done for the day can help you get things done. By keeping track of what you need to do, you can figure out how much time you need to spend on an individual task, and keep yourself organized for the day.

These are tough times that we’re facing- but remember that you’re not facing them alone. Take care of yourself, and don’t be afraid to reach out to the people around you if you need someone to talk to.

One thought on “Top 10 Things To Do While “Social Distancing”

  1. Marguerite Tyrell

    Hi Frank and Delalle,
    Good to hear from you and see you as well. Jachin and Are doing very well. We are doing our yoga together each morning, going for daily walks, cooking and “dining” together,
    and enjoying playing cards and chess. I’m zooming with three different groups connecting
    with family and friends through phone calls, texts and emails.

    Actually enjoying a real staycation and slowing down a bit.
    Take good care and wishing you Wellness, Marguerite and Jachin


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